My Brain Is A Hot Mess
It is so true. All my life the people around me would point out that I was weird, different, quirky, strange, or “just not right”. And not without good cause, as I would frequently forget that I was not wired the same way as other people which inevitably lead to someone being frustrated, let down, or just plain creeped out by someone else.
Which leads directly into this website. I need a place to share digital assets, post project notes, and maybe post a few things worth buying. And I figured, I could either “Work Hard” (R) and “Make It Great Again” (TM) and make a great place that people will enjoy using or I could puke out a Hot Mess that looks like my brain and ignore any advice I did not seek. So I chose this path.
So I wish you good luck and remember to keep making this world a better place!