I Have Too Many Ideas and Projects!

My guess is that most people have ideas running through their head all the time. The majority of people have filters to regulate the ideas and sort the really cool ones from the ones that make a first grader cringe. Me, I have a bad filter for that, so if it looks like fun to me and the opportunity and resources are available. Luckily for me, resources are limited and winding up in the ER or burning things is not usually what I would consider fun. I am certain this is all that has stood between myself and homelessness on more than one occasion.

So I make a list of things that I want to do, and try to figure out what I need in terms of time, materials, and money. I do this several times a year and it usually happens because I have run into an Infrastructure issue (I one thing in order to do many other things). My list this time looks like this:

Things that are infrastructure have the highest priority (e.g. I can’t 3D print things while the extruder motor keeps overheating). Monetary is second highest, because it takes money to get materials and to get other people to give or make things for you. Digital means that I can just sit and the computer and do something (like making a Blog post or redrawing art for stickers). Build means that I have to make a physical object, so I will need space time, materials, etc. I try to keep projects as something that will take less than six months to make. For me, that is about as long as I can keep interest in something. That is also a personal victory, because in the days before medication I would never finish anything that required me to sit down and work on it for more than two sessions.

God Bless Norepinephrine Re-uptake Inhibitors, and keep making this world a better place!


Why Did i Need This Character?

